Thursday 4 December 2014


I came up with this recipe back in the day when I was allergic to many foods & intolerant to most others. Urrgghh! Happily those days are gone, but I still make it as part of a Sunday roast.

Makes 2- 3 servings. Double to serve 4-6.

Preheat to 180 c

100 g cooked Butternut squash 
100 g cooked chestnuts 
100 g cooked rice (brown rice, short grain or Basmati rice) this will be about 35 g uncooked weight.
50 ml vegetable stock 
50 g button mushrooms
1 medium egg
white part of 1 leek
1 tablespoon light olive oil
handful of fresh flat leaf parsley
salt and pepper to taste.

1. Take 150 g (uncooked weight) of butternut squash. You can leave the skin on. Cut into chunks or slices & simply place in a dish in the oven (180 c) for 35 mins. Leave to cool, then cut off the skin. Weigh out 100 g of flesh.

2. Boil or steam your rice. Set to one side.

2. Slice up the white part of the leek & the mushrooms. Heat 1 tablespoon light olive oil in a frying pan and stir fry the veg until softened and starting to brown. You want to do this over a medium heat - it'll only take a few minutes.

3. Place the leek, mushrooms, chestnuts, squash, rice, fresh parsley, salt and pepper into your blender. Add the egg and blitz. You don't want it super smooth, it's better if there's a bit of texture.

4. The baking dish I use for this is 12cm x 17cm - so ideally you want one a similar size. Grease it, or line it with baking paper which makes it easy to remove the loaf when it's cooked.

5. Pour the mixture into the dish, decorate with slices of orange, lemon or tomato (Optional - but nut roasts aren't the prettiest, so any decoration helps!)

6. Bake at 180 c for 40 mins.

Great to reheat for a quick lunch, and freezes well too.

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